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Hannes D’Hulster

Captain & Design lead

Hannes is the team captain, his role is to make sure all people involved in the projects feel at ease and can do their best work.

His people skills are definitely his superpowers, he can make users and stakeholders feel relaxed and stimulate collaboration.

During projects he likes to focus on:

  • Clearing out the business and technical context
  • Understanding the people involved: stakeholders and users
  • Setting up the needed quantitative and qualitative research
  • Making sure everybody is on the same page about the plan

He has a big heart for interbellum architecture and Bauhaus furniture. The moment the sun starts shining, you can find him near a fire, baking some delicious pizza.

Articles by Hannes

  • From Design to Impact: Our Shift to Doing Good

    This isn’t just a superficial makeover. We’re committed to aligning our projects with our values and making a real impact. And we’re inviting you—our clients, partners, and friends—to join us in this mission.

    By Hannes D’Hulster

  • When investing in your product team makes sense

    Investing in your product team is crucial for the growth of your SaaS start-up. While sales may bring in immediate revenue, a strong product team is essential for understanding customer needs, onboarding users smoothly, and continuously improving your product.

    By Hannes D’Hulster

  • Design discussions can be messy

    Hypotheses: the design nursery

    As good designers, we all know that everything starts with understanding our users. But sometimes we are already having discussions with clients, drawing things and checking out competitors.

    By Hannes D’Hulster

  • The oak table

    I want you to imagine a large massive oak table that has been passed on to you by your grandparents. It is robust and serves its purpose well: supporting food and enabling social contact.

    By Hannes D’Hulster

  • Let’s go Smooth Sailing ⛵

    It has been 5 years already since I went my own way, head-first into design research. I was a bit scared, naturally, but I was also really eager to be my own boss.

    By Hannes D’Hulster

  • Time for software design to grow up

    The value of software design is greater than having good looking interfaces and frictionless flows. Good design creates an impact on the long-term behaviour of people and therefore it impacts the world we live in.

    By Hannes D’Hulster

  • A designer’s guide to talking with users

    Even with good intentions, it is not easy to get the right user insights. Qualitative research is the basis of a solid digital product that people can relate to. This is why I wrote a blog post or two (in Dutch) about how important it is to involve users in your design research.

    By Hannes D’Hulster

  • Never ask a designer to build a bridge

    Have you ever worked on a project where something looks off and it’s easy to adjust, but your designer says no? If the designer would just make this simple change, but still no!

    By Hannes D’Hulster