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Management Coaching

Running (or founding) a startup is not a walk in the park. By definition, you are in innovation, which means a lot of learning and a lot of failing too. And these ups and downs often lead to uncertainty. We have seen our part of despair when making hard choices, especially when metrics are not going in the right direction while trying to reduce costs. Let us guide you through that rough sea.

We put the moving parts in place 

There are many unpredictable and often hidden forces to control in order to be successful. And because we’ve seen our fair share of startups, we can work to break the silos and make more impact beyond just the product team.

  • 01 / Coaching services

    CPO in residence

    To make a lasting impact on the organisation level, we become part of your management team - CPO, VP of product, product lead or any name you’d like to call us. We drive changes in how products are designed, built, tested and updated.

  • 02 / Coaching services

    Product coaching

    We don’t just stand on the sidelines when we coach, we join the fight and nudge you in the right direction. Through group discussion, 1-on-1 meetings and getting our hands dirty as part of your team to support your journey through startup life.

Key aspects of coaching

Even though there is no silver bullet in entrepreneurship, taking good care of some aspects can still help increase the success rate.

  • 01 / Aspect

    Team and culture

    You may sell software but you run a people business. Clear responsibilities, trust, and smooth collaborations are key to getting there.

  • 02 / Aspect

    Make choices

    There are always many ideas and not enough money or time to do them all, having a clear vision is the basis for good prioritisation. Make sure everybody knows where they’re heading, it’ll reduce the resistance and boost productivity.

  • 03 / Aspect

    Measure success

    Setting up a good system for metrics on several levels - support, sales, marketing and product - will help you tremendously in decision-making. With clear measurements, you can see if you’re moving in the right direction instead of discussing it.

Your value extends beyond product and does make us a better management team.


After Izix split from it’s mother company Bepark, they lacked a clear prioritisation process. Competing interests from stakeholders also pulled their team in a different directions. We stepped in and helped them cash in on existing product opportunities.


Let’s hop on a call

I'm Hannes, by the way.

Getting to know each other is a good way to start. During our call,
we will discuss your goals, how we can help and when we’ll open the